MDC By-laws


Mission Statement

The mission of this organization is, through the process of managing and operating the regional and state drama festivals, to provide educational experiences for Maine high school drama students and performance venues for showcasing their many talents.

  1. Name
    The name of this organization shall be the MAINE DRAMA COUNCIL (“The Council”).
  2. Purposes
    1. Showcase excellence in Maine’s high school theatre;
    2. Educate students in the knowledge of innovations in the theatre arts;
    3. Facilitate participation in educational forums which encourage a spirit of friendship, an attitude of encouragement of artistic effort, and an atmosphere of mutual recognition and appreciation of theatre;
    4. Provide access to professionals in theatre arts through various workshops;
    5. Expose participants to the creative process;
    6. Provide education in audience etiquette;
    7. Provide education in the critique process;
    8. Experience theatre through a theatrical cultural context;
    9. Be the liaison between the directors through the governing board and the Maine Principals Association (MPA), to facilitate the recommendations of The Council for festival rules and regulations, scoring, and matters that comes before the board for further communication and/or change.
  3. Membership
    1. The membership of this organization shall consist of any MPA/MDC recognized high school theater director in the state of Maine who participates in the festivals and subscribes to the general purposes of The Council.  
    2. Any member of the Maine Drama Council can be elected to the Governing Board.
    3. Council Members do not have the right to vote; only Governing Board members present at the meeting shall be eligible to vote; only one vote per school is permissible.
    4. No member may act as a representative of The Council without the explicit approval of the Governing Board. 
    5. The Governing Board may, at its discretion, elect honorary life members to The Council who have added unique or outstanding contributions to The Council or the festivals or theater in Maine. 
  4. Officers
    The officers of this organization shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Media Specialist.
  5. Fiscal Year
    1. The Fiscal Year shall run from July 1 to June 30.
    2. An audit of the books and accounts can be conducted by the President of the Governing Board at any time he or she deems it necessary.
  6. Fees
    There are no fees for membership in the Maine Drama Council. Fees for participation in the Regional Festival are $100 due the date of the second MPA registration form. The Council receives $25 from each registering school from the MPA.
  7. Annual Meetings
    1. The Annual Meeting of the Governing Board shall take place in the fall (after the MPA has had their fall meeting if possible) and spring (after the festival) of each year.
    2. Members of The Council are invited to attend these meetings to voice concerns, grievances, or suggestions or members can email their issues to the President of the Governing Board at least two weeks prior to the next meeting.
    3. The President may call a special meeting upon two weeks notice with an agreement by a majority of the Governing Board.
  8. Quorum
    A quorum shall consist of those Council members in attendance at any meeting, provided that no less than half of the governing board is present.
  9. Amendments

    This Constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote of The Governing Board in attendance, provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted to the Governing Board in writing one month in advance of the meeting.


  1. Election and Duties of Governing Board Officers
    1. Membership
      The membership of this board shall consist of 17 members elected from the membership of the Maine Drama Council: the 6 officers, 9 elected members, and two MPA liaisons. Any member of The Council can be elected to the Governing Board by contacting the President of the Governing Board with their intentions at least two weeks prior to the spring meeting. The member needs to be present at the meeting as more than one council member may be interested in the open position.  
    2. The election of Officers, when necessary, will take place at the spring Council meeting.
      1. The President
        1. Shall be elected for a two-year term by the Governing Board from its membership.
        2. Shall conduct meetings for The Council and The Governing Board
        3. Shall formulate meeting agendas.
        4. Shall designate members of The Council and The Governing Board to serve on various committees.
        5. Shall act as The Council’s liaison to the MPA committee.
        6. Shall have the final ruling in matters of rule interpretations and violations.
        7. Shall, upon leaving the office, assist newly-elected president with transition period lasting no less than the next scheduled meeting of The Governing Board.  This assistance will come in the form of attending MPA meetings, helping set MDC agendas, answering questions regarding the office and Festival rules, and any other MDC related matters the newly-elected president may need assistance with.
      2. The Vice-President
        1. Shall be elected for a two-year term by the Governing Board from its membership.
        2. Shall cover for the Chair in his/her absence.
        3. Shall act as the President and have the final ruling in matters of rule interpretations and violations in any instance that the President or his/her play is involved in a rule disagreement. 
      3. The Secretary 
        1. Shall be elected for a two-year term by The Governing Board from its membership.
        2. Shall maintain a permanent record book, which includes revisions to the Constitution and By-Laws, minutes of meetings, and all pertinent correspondence to the Governing Board
        3. Shall send copies of the Minutes of all meetings to the Chair to be sent to all members of the Governing Board and posted on the council site online
      4. The Treasurer 
        1. Shall be elected to a two year term by The Governing Board from its membership. 
        2. Shall have the power of deposit and disbursement of funds;
        3. Shall maintain all financial records of The Council
        4. Shall prepare and present a semi-annual financial statement for each meeting of The Board. 
      5. The Historian
        1. Shall be elected by The Governing Board and the term of office shall be at the pleasure of The Governing Board.
        2. Shall prepare and maintain a history of The Council
        3. Shall compile and maintain up-to-date documentation of regional and state winners and runners-up and the recipients of all awards
        4. Shall maintain The Council website with the above information.
      6. The Media Specialist
    3. MPA Liaison (selected by the MPA)
      1. Shall serve as liaison between the MPA and The Council.
      2. Shall edit MPA Drama Bulletin and Guidelines.
      3. Shall serve as interpreter of rules set by MPA.
      4. One (of the two) shall find, assign, evaluate, and assist the judges for both the regional and state festivals.
      5. One (of the two) shall find, assign, evaluate, and assist hosting sites for both the regional and state festivals.
  2. Election and Duties of Governing Board Members
    1. Terms of Office
      1. Any board member accepts his/her responsibilities for three years.
        1. In the event a member misses both meetings in one fiscal year without a viable reason, their seat can be declared “vacant” by the Governing Board if the Governing Board votes to do so by majority vote.
      2. Vacancies
        1. Any vacancy occurring on the Governing Board can be filled by the Governing Board for the remainder of the vacated, unexpired term by majority vote. 
      3. Any Governing Board member may be re-elected by members of the current Board. 
        1. There is no limit to the number of consecutive terms a board member or officer may serve.
    2. Duties and Responsibilities
      1. The Governing Board Meetings
        1. To attend all meetings of The Governing Board
        2. To notify the President in the event that he/she is unable to attend a meeting. 
        3. Pending approval of the Maine Principals Association, make all rules and regulations deemed necessary and proper for governing the Festivals, as well as for the orderly conduct of the affairs of the Festivals. 
        4. Set both short and long range objectives to accomplish their stated purpose(s).
      2. Festival Duties
        1. Be available to assist the host school throughout the Regional and State Festivals
        2. Ensure that participating directors comply with the festival rules
        3. Encourage participating directors to require students’ attendance at shows, workshops, and festival events.
        4. Ensure that the packet containing information about the State and Regional festivals, provided by the festival host, is given to the two continuing schools and that the packet is available for any alternate school(s).
      3. Shared Duties When Hosting the New England Drama Festival
        1. Secure a suitable site for the NEDF and inform The Council at the fall annual meeting one and one half years prior to the festival.
        2. Assist host with progress and preparations for the festival.